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Grape season is in high gear, and one brand that we’ve gotten to know recently is Pretty Lady from Sunlight International Sales and JP Dulcich and Sons. They’re in the first of a three-year organic certification process, which is exciting in and of itself! What they’re doing to grow these delicious grapes is impressive, so I thought I’d share some of the juicy details!

What makes their grapes so special isn’t the big things—it’s the little things, which make for a more time-consuming, labor-intensive process than other vineyards may use. They feel it makes the ultimate difference. First of all, the way they prune each vine by hand ensures the best bunches of grapes to reach maturity. They also apply micronutrients to each vine to help it grow strong and healthy. Not to mention they wait a little longer to make sure their grapes have reached the peak of sweetness. Decades of experience have taught them it’s worth the effort.

Another thing that I want to share is that this farm is really up on sustainability and doing things the right way for the environment. And, a lot of things at that

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They’ve kept their land healthy and fertile for 50 years, and they’re making sure it stays that way for another 50 years and more. That’s important for the environment, and they are showing great land stewardship!

They are also purifying the water with a water filtration system, which removes this potentially harmful contaminant so that they can nourish their grapes with clean, certified water. Just as important, they can ensure their employees enjoy access to pure, healthy water on site. It’s better for the fruit, better for their employees, and better for their customers and families.

The farm also maintains a flourishing composting program that allows them to re-use organic matter that would otherwise become landfill. They allow this organic waste to decompose naturally, and then they return it to the vineyards where it enriches the soil and enhances their growing operations.

They mostly use natural products to protect, fertilize, and enhance their growing grapes. Where possible, they use organic options, such as the organic desert cactus to protect the roots of their vines from drought.

Considering weather can truly impact the crop's outcome for this year, I gave them a quick call to hear how things are going.

"Our harvest is progressing very well and the volume is ramping up. The fruit quality is top notch and all varieties have excellent condition and delicious flavor. Also, the weather has been working in our favor with clear skies and warm temperatures."

Good news indeed! And they also shared that the weeks ahead are looking great for the individual varieties, including the following:

Green Seedless: The much anticipated, Green Emerald has kicked into gear. With impressive size and flavor these grapes will certainly motivate retail sales. They have increased their acreage and will have this variety available for some time to come. Their late season supplies of Autumn King and Luisco will follow the Emerald and take us through the end of the year.

Red Seedless: Speaking of size, the big red Scarlet Royal harvest is also underway. This crunchy, sweet grape also drives sales and will be available for quite a while as well. The Vintage and Crimson seedless will come later and finish the year.

Black Seedless: The Unknown Blacks are wrapping up and the Autumn Royals look to start later this week. The Autumn Royals are also quite large and tasty. They will complement the Emerald and Scarlets to round out retail displays.

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Now, we’re entering the fun, festive fall season - and it’s just perfect for rolling out the HARVEST HOBGOBLIN! These are the delicious grapes in the fun, festive grape packages that you’ll see at the stores across the USA! The Harvest Hobgoblin's Halloween themed, colorful handle bags, and the taste will keep you coming back for more through the end of October.

Here’s a list of all of the grapes that you can find. SO, keep those eyes peeled, and enjoy the delicious fruit that Sunlight consistently delivers.

Here are the varieties all together and their availability this year:

  • ESTEEM - AVAILABLE JULY - SEPTEMBER An early season high brix variety with a unique and distinct flavor.
  • PRINCESS- AVAILABLE AUGUST - SEPTEMBER Also known as “Melissa,” this variety is a new white seedless grape, yields large, sweet berries.
  • EMERALD - AVAILABLE AUGUST - NOVEMBER This unique patented variety is extra-large and crunchy with a flavorful taste.
  • AUTUMN KING - AVAILABLE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER Plump, sweet and delicious Autumn King seedless grapes may soon become a favorite fresh-fruit snack for fall. This new, light-green—technically known as a “white “grape is firm, juicy and ready to harvest in October. Autumn King stays firm and sweet in cold storage, meaning that it will be available into December.
  • LUISCO - AVAILABLE NOVEMBER - DECEMBER This new, green and “crunchy” grape is not ready to harvest until late October. Luisco stays firm and sweet in cold storage, meaning that it will be available through December. The attractive, nicely-sized grape has naturally loose berries.
  • FLAME SEEDLESS - AVAILABLE JULY - SEPTEMBER The Flame Seedless is a round, crunchy, sweet grape with a deep-red color.
  • MAJESTIC RED - AVAILABLE AUGUST - SEPTEMBER Majestic is a red, seedless grape with large round berries.
  • RED GLOBE - AVAILABLE JULY- SEPTEMBER The large, remarkable clusters of the Red Globe contain plum-size seeded berries. The Red Globe is popular for both eating and decorating during the holiday season.
  • SCARLET ROYAL -AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER - NOVEMBER Scarlet Royal seedless are sweet and firm grapes that have attractive, dark-red skin and translucent, pale yellow-green flesh.
  • CRIMSON - AVAILABLE AUGUST - SEPTEMBER This red variety has firm, crisp berries with a sweetly tart, almost spicy, flavor.
  • SUMMER ROYAL - AVAILABLE JULY - SEPTEMBER Seedless variety with a large, round berry that is sweet.
  • UNKNOWN VARIETY BLACK - AVAILABLE JULY - SEPTEMBER Originally from Chile, the Unknown Variety ripens very early and shows distinctive sweet flavor. Ideal for snacks and salads.
  • AUTUMN ROYAL - AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER - DECEMBER This firm, seedless black grape has a sweet and crunchy flesh. This variety has a wonderful flavor and is perfect for the holidays. Ideal for snacks and salads.
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For more information, visit our friends at SUNLIGHT and look for them at your local stores!


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