Celebrating Farm Workers Awareness Week with THX! Dreams: Empowering Those Who Sustain Us
234As Farm Workers Awareness Week approaches, it's time to shine a light on the often-overlooked individuals who play a vital role in putting food on our tables and nourishing our communities. From sunrise to sunset, farm workers toil tirelessly to harvest crops, tend to livestock, and ensure that we have access to fresh, nutritious produce year-round. At THX! Dreams, their business's mission is to recognize and show appreciation of farm workers and their valuable contributions, and they are committed to supporting their rights, dignity, and well-being by taking it one step further – by making a farm worker's dream come true!
Farm Workers Awareness Week, observed annually in March, serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about the challenges and hardships faced by farm workers across the globe. From unfair labor practices and inadequate wages to exposure to harmful pesticides and lack of access to year-round healthcare, farm workers often confront a myriad of obstacles in their daily lives. Despite these challenges, they continue to work tirelessly to feed their families and sustain our agricultural industry.
At THX!, they believe that farm workers deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and fairness, and deserve even more gratitude due to their challenging and also essential occupation. That's why they are committed to support these farm workers through a commitment to ethical sourcing practices and partnerships with produce organizations who also want to reward and honor these hard-working individuals.

When you purchase any of the THX! Dreams products - like Kiwi King available currently in Winn-Dixies, or Pedregal Red Dragon grapes, Classic Harvest lemons (available in April), and other products with the THX! label, you're not just buying your favorite nutritious produce—you're also making a difference in the lives of farm workers and their communities – and at no extra expense! By choosing THX! labeled products, you can know that your purchase is going directly to help that specific farm workers, and your purchase helps to create a positive social impact.
Just by scanning the THX! label's QR code, you'll see the video of the farm worker in which she / he shares the dream and the job they do on the farm(s) or in the packing plant. They are fascinating, intimate videos to give you a glimpse into the heart and soul of a farm worker!
This Farm Workers Awareness Week, let's come together to honor and celebrate the contributions of farm workers everywhere. Let's raise awareness about the essential work that they do to help feed the world and let's continue to support companies like THX! Dreams that are committed to making a positive difference in the world.
Join us in celebrating Farm Workers Awareness Week and supporting those who sustain us. Together, we can build a more just, equitable, and compassionate world for all!

It is important for people to understand what has to happen to get our food to us. Farm workers deserve a lot of respect and care.
Love this awareness
A great way to acknowledge the hard work the farm workers do.
I don’t think we appreciated farm workers when I was young.
Our farmers are so important.
I appreciate you and all of your hard work
If you take care of your own, they will take care of you.
They deserve recognition!
GOD bless our farm workers
I find it so sad that the majority of the people who keep the country running don’t even have healthcare or be able to afford it. Thank you farmers for taking care of us.
Farm Workers Awareness Week is a wonderful week. These families provide food for the world. I am thankful for their hard work.
Farm workers deserve all of the credit for getting delicious fruits and vegetables to our tables.
Nice to have a week
Farmers are a huge part of our community!!!
I don’t remember seeing the “THX” code on the packages, but I will be paying more attention from now on.
Thank you.
You learn about the dreams of specific farmers.
When you say your blessing over your meal, pray for the dedicated farm workers as well
Improving the life of your fellow man should be one of the main reasons for social movements.
Farmworkers shouldn’t be so unappreciated
We should appreciate farmers every day!
everything we eat and drink comes from the dedicated men and woman in those fields everyday…..bless them all
This is a good way to learn about farm workers awareness week.
Thank the farmers every day
Thank you for making me more aware, and I would like to thank you all for all the hard work you put into the crops that give everyone such amazing fruit.
They deserve the respect
Farmers are a huge backbone in America
Always wanted to own a farm. did not work out for me.
Thank you for your work!
Thank you to our farm workers. You do so much work and I appreciate it.
Thanks to all the farmworkers for the great work they’re doing.
Farm workers should be celebrated every day
So happy to see farmers appreciated
We do need to respect the contribution of our farm workers.
Thanks to all the farm workers for the great jobs they all do.
I like small independent farmers. I do not like those big corporate growers – they are true farmers
Next time you pick up a piece of produce, silently thank the face behind it getting to you
Farmers are awesome!
Thank you for what you do
Give them plenty of time to be with their families.
Thank you to all the farm workers.. your job is a hard one and very much appreciated!
Great to celebrate farm workers, they are undervalued employees. Important workers to help Americans have fresh fruits and vegetables.
So inspirational indeed
A lot of people don’t know about this.
Thank you farm workers!
I like this article.
Thank you for your dedication and hard work
I’m very thankful for our farmers!
Its important to be aware of all the aspects of where your food comes from including the people who provide it!
Great article. Love to all the farmers!
Thanks to the farmworkers for doing this job.
THANK YOU farmers for helping us feed our familes
I believe that everyone, no matter who you are, what you do or don’t do, everyone deserves to be treated with respect until they prove otherwise. You get what you give. These farmers, all farmers, for what they do, by putting nutritious good food on our tables, keeping us healthy, you just can’t put a price on that. What you do get is my utmost respect and gratefulness to you all.
Farmer awareness!!
Farmers need alot of credit for all they do.
Thank you for raising awareness and helping farm workers
Thank you so much.
Glad to help the farmers.
It’s good to know farmers are finally getting recognition for their hard work! Thank you for trying to make a difference!
Thank you, farmworkers, for your tireless dedication and hard work in cultivating the land and putting food on our tables. Your efforts are deeply appreciated and essential to our communities. Gratitude for all that you do!
hats off to the American farmer
putting faces to producta thats great
Thank you for raising awareness, and thank you to all farmers out there.
Nothing but love for our farmers!
Love THX!
THX! Dreams
A great way to help these farmers.
Wonderful work!
So thankful that there is this acknowledgement for all the workers
Farm workers are the backbone of our (USA) food industry. Thank you for all you do! I appreciate all of you!
Farm Workers Awareness Week is awesome
Thank you to the farmers who work so hard! We appreciate you.
Great program – workers need to be acknowledged more
I think this is great for awareness of farmers!
Thank you for all the workers, and all the hard work you put into getting the fresh fruit kept fresh and safely shipped to the stores.
God bless our farmers
Nice to know how we can help.
A great way to promote Farm Workers Awareness Week.
Respect for the Essential Workers! Without them, where would everyone be?
Famers are hard working men, and women.
Thank you for all the hard work!
thank you for all of your hard work
I’m aware of how hard you all work to feed America and your families.
go farm workers love em !
A great thing to have farmers awareness!
Becoming more aware of the Farm Workers contribution.
Great article.
A great way to bring Farm Workers Awareness Week to the public.
thank you farmers
I am so glad to have read and learn and also made aware of how hard it is to do all that behind the scenes work and thankful to all the workers.
So grateful for the hands that pick the food we eat!
Great to learn all about the farmers and what they go through
Thank you farm workers
Excellent article!
Thanks for sharing about this.
the backbone of our country!
Nice to celebrate the contribution of farm workers. Such an important role.
Thank you for all you do
A great way to make people aware of Farm Workers Awareness Week.
Thank you to all of the Farm Workers. You all are appreciated.
Thanks 🙂
Thanks for raising awareness and to all the hard working farmers that do all the hard work.
Thank you.. it is important to raise awareness
Without farmers we would not have food. We need them to live.
Thank you, farmworkers.
Thank you, farmworkers.
Much respect to our farmers!
I love the idea of thinking about the hands that work to gather our food. So grateful for these guys!
Good info
A big thank you to all the farmworkers!
Thank you for your work.
A great way to share the stories of the farm workers.
Happy to give a shout out to all the hard working farmers!
Great Blog
I used to live on a farm years ago, so I know about the back breaking, hard work that’s Involved.
They deserve more attention than we give them, because who doesn’t like their fruits and veggies ??
Such a hard job. Thank you!
Great article
Farmworker’s awareness week is a great thing
When is farm works awareness week? I think it is great they are helping workers achieve their dreams!
Its a great way to support the farmer
It’s a great idea that most people would support
Farmworkers are an integral part of our food system
A Million Thanks to our Farmers!
we can’t live without farmers
This is such a great idea celebrating the forgotten farmers and thanking them for all their hard work that they put into giving us the wonderful tasting fruits and vegetables. We thank you all!!!
Love farms….. I want my own farm one day soon.
Thank goodness for our farmers!!
Thank you 😊
We need these workers and they deserve decent condition
Thank you for all you do and your commitment for a better tomorrow for all of us!!
Thank you for all the hard work!
Thank you to the farmers – and all involved in agriculture. We need you!
Appreciate each and every one of you!
I love reading these!
Thanks for sharing your Dreams and Products with Us …
Fresh farm food is the best! And farmers are the reason!
Try to buy from your local farmer!!!
Love this article
I really appreciate all the hard work our farmworkers do.
Thank you for all your hard work. Not easy in the heat of the day. I would some day love to start a veg garden.
Miss my childhood home where we had an apple tree
Farm Workers are some of the most dedicated workers you can find. They work long hours and physical labor that helps all of us in the USA and the World. I grew up on a vegetable farm where we grew Turnips, Parsnips, Cabbage and other types of vegetable including Hot House Tomatoes. Our Farm Workers were the best and we loved working beside them and enjoying their family along with our family.
Love to all!
Thanks for all the hard work you do! My family and I appreciate your dedication you put into your work!
Thank you all for your hard work!!
So thankful for those who are helping supply our food.
Farmers feed the world
so informative
Thank you for caring about our farmers!
where in this world would we be without them !
I don’t think we appreciate how important and respectful it is to show gratitude to people who are not given a single thought, or are made aware of. A little gratitude really does go a LONG way. I know a lot of people think that all the farm work that is done in this day and age is all done by farm machinery, NOT.
Thank you farmers!
I love how much this company cares about it’s workers
I support
THANKS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a relative recently discharged from the military now working on a farm co-op. Thanks for the info.
We need more farmers!
Very interesting to know
Thank you for the awareness
Thank you farmers for working very hard for the public and ensuring that we get the best product our money can buy!!!
Miss my maternal grandparents gardens. Papaw had a huge one out back of his Mom Pop Store that was the only store in town. Also a large garden out beside their house. Kept us in fresh produce Mamaw put up & Papaws watermelons. We would shell peas & beans watching TV.
It good that people are aware of their situation
Love this! So happy to celebrate the farmers!!!
Thank you THX!
Thank you to all the farm workers for all you do!
Farm workers deserve more credit for what they do.
Many thanks to the farmers that feed us!
I’m glad they are making a living wage.
Without our farmers and farms where would be as a nation. God bless your program.
My dream is to have the ability and the land to have my own garden one day! I would be so grateful for that and be able to teach my kids how to garden and grow your own foods. Love our farmers
Great article!
Love our farmers!
thank you good info
Thank you farm workers
Thank you farm workers. Hope to reach your dreams!
What a great way to recognize these hard working farmers!
Sound like a really great system
We would be lost without our farm workers! Love you guys!
Thank you, this is a great idea
These workers do such an important part of feeding America! ITS GREAT!
thanks to all farmworkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless all the farmworkers!!!!!!
God bless our farmers!!!!!!!!!
It’s a wonderful idea to set aside times t like an awareness week to show respect & appreciation to these farmworkers for their hard work.
All my love to the farmers
Thank you for posting this article, God bless our farm workers!
Such hard workers they have
Farmers need more credit
So glad to be making a positive difference
Thank you for raising awareness for farmers and their products, but also the workers. They don’t get near enough recognition.
Thank you farm workers for picking and packing our fresh produce!
This is a great way to bring Farmworker Awareness Week to the public.
Here’s to our hard-working farm workers!
Thank you for raising awareness and for supporting farm workers.
Great article!
Thank you to our farmers
These farmers work so hard to provide consumers with quality grown products! The least we can do is help them get the recognition they deserve.
Loving it
This is a great program
Hope all the farmers are treated with respect and dignity
Love this! Love getting healthy food for the family and being able to help others!
I love this site and hope I win this sweepstakes
I am aware of farm workers.
It’s a great way to bring awareness to the farm workers.
Love what THX! is doing for the farmers.
Thank you farm workers
Thank you for all of your heart work. You are Blessed!
These farmers & their families need to have more than a week dedicated to bringing awareness of all they do.
Thanks for promoting farm worker awareness day!
THX sounds like a wonderful company
Unable to download app for Android
YAY for the farm workers.
Wonderful to see an appreciation for all workers!
it’s so easy to forget where our food comes from these days! it’s important to remember the farmers.
It’s great knowing there’s program like THX! that believes these farm workers deserve to be treated with respect, dignity, and fairness, and deserve even more thanks for having to face hardship at times.
It’s always nice to see a group that is often taken for granted get some recognition!
Thank you all for your tireless efforts to make these dreams a reality
Thank you, farm workers.
Thank for letting us know about this
A great way to bring awareness to the needs of the workers.
Give them time to rest and be with their family
It’s great that you are putting a face on the products
Always be respectful of the farmers.
Good info
It’s great that THX! Dreams to recognize & show well deserved appreciation these hard working farmers.
So glad we can help by purchasing these items
This is a good way to bring awareness to the workers contributions.
My dream is to one day create a huge garden in my backyard filled with fruits (and a small section of vegetables😂)