Look for the THX! label on Red Dragon grapes at Sam's nationwide! You'll help that specific farm worker featured on that label just by making this one purchase - no extra money required and simply by buying the fruit you already love!
Scan and view the video on the label to learn all about the farm worker you'll be helping. It is a special experience! Through the video, you'll see the dreams of each farmworker. One is a laptop for one's children so that they can stay in school, another's is a table to have as a gathering place for meals, and another's is a stove to cook something hot and healthy. These are simple wishes, and yet ones that will make all of the difference in the world to these farmworkers!
Learn all about THX! and how this company is changing the lives of these deserving, hard-working farm workers who work tirelessly to bring the food to the stores we love!