We love strawberries! Cultivated throughout the world, these delicious, red fruits supply us with essential nutrients to keep us healthy and in tip-top shape! You can find them in jams, jellies, salads, pies, or you can just eat them raw - they’re one of the most versatile fruits around and can be prepared in so many different ways.

  • Antioxidants- Strawberries are jam-packed with antioxidant-assisting vitamin C! They’re also a great source of dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin B6! Containing these beneficial nutrients, they provide defense to keep your body’s free radicals under control.

Strawberries are jam-packed with antioxidant-assisting vitamin C! They’re also a great source of dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin B6!

Here are some other fantastic health benefits that strawberries offer:

  • Anti-aging- vitamin C-rich foods can prevent wrinkles and age-linked skin dryness, suggesting that strawberries can play a beneficial role in reducing the effects of aging.
  • Anti-inflammatory- with their excellent combination of phytonutrients, strawberries are exceptional at lowering indications of inflammation, when consumed several times throughout the week.
  • Diabetes- Strawberries contain proteins that can help keep cholesterol lower, thus, reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, such as diabetes.
  • Eye health- Being rich in vitamin C, strawberries may help prevent cataracts, which can lead to blindness as one ages. In addition, vitamin C also helps strengthen the eye’s cornea and retina!

Strawberries may reduce risk of bladder cancer, diabetes, and osteoarthritis!


  • Strawberries are a member of the rose family.
  • They are the only fruit that wear their seeds on the outside.
  • They’ve been grown in California since the early 1900s.
  • Wild strawberries grow on every continent, excluding Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.

Did you know…

  • On average, there are about 200 seeds on each strawberry.
  • While they’re not sold at retail by variety, they do come in several different types.
  • The most popular types of strawberries are Selva, Pojaro, and Parkers.
  • Strawberries can be pickled, especially when picked green or unripe.

All in all, strawberries are pretty fabulous fruits! Offering up a number of health benefits and advantages, they have established themselves and have been proven to be fairly versatile and rewarding. So, go on ahead and indulge in some strawberries!


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