As the weather warms up and you're headed outdoors to hike, bike, walk, and picnic, don't you think you deserve some good-for-you snacks that you can take with you? We've talked about them before, but let us re-introduce you to these bite-size bits of sweetness – D'Noir™ Prunes from Sunsweet®!

Photo Courtesy of Sunsweet®
D'Noir™ prunes are Sunsweet's California reserve prune, which means they are the best, high-quality prunes they provide. Made without preservatives, there’s nothing to stand in the way of their incredible taste. Plus, there's more than one reason to bring prunes along with you on your outdoor adventures:
Bone Health: Prunes contain vitamins and minerals essential to bone health like potassium, magnesium, vitamin K, and the plant-based compound polyphenols. These important nutrients not only reduce bone breakdown and bone mineral loss, but they actively support bone structure and mineralization, too. Studies have even shown that prunes can help lower your risk of bone loss and osteoporosis.
Fiber: Sunsweet® Prunes can provide satiety, without leaving you stuffed. Thanks to their 3g of dietary fiber and low glycemic index (29!), prunes are digested slowly by the body – which helps sustain energy over a longer period of time. And as a fat-free, 100-calorie snack that’s low in sugar, prunes are a healthy snack that can lower blood glucose levels, suppress hunger, and help with weight control.
Heart Health: Not only are prunes low in sodium and fat, but they contain 3g of dietary fiber in every serving. And that dietary fiber is super important because, in high amounts, it’s been known to lower the risk of heart disease. And what’s more, a study from UC Davis found that eating just 10-12 prunes daily lowered LDL cholesterol levels in men, also known as “bad” cholesterol.
Digestive Health: Possibly the most well-known benefit of prunes. Prunes are great sources of fiber and contain a unique natural component that is absorbed very slowly into the body. This drawn-out process allows for more water to enter the body, which increases moisture and ultimately helps regulate digestion day in and day out.

Photo courtesy of Sunsweet®
Why Sunweet® D'Noir™ Prunes in particular? It's simple!
Sunsweet® has been growing the world’s finest prunes for nearly 100 years! From their crop of plums grown in lush California orchards, they carefully select the few that meet their
D’Noir™ standards. Their pursuit of the highest quality standards is what makes
Sunsweet® the world’s #1 prune. They celebrate some of their growers and their orchards by sharing their story

Photo Courtesy of Sunsweet®
Another reason why we are particularly fond of Sunsweet®? They are a farmer-owned company, which is a cooperative made of 200 grower-members dedicated to growing and harvesting only the best plums – so they can turn into the perfect prunes. And, y'all know we're all about celebrating and elevating the hard-working farmers of the world!

Photo Courtesy of Sunsweet®
So, we hope you'll add D'Noir™ prunes to your grocery list and mix them into your favorite trail mix, toss them in your backpack, bring them along for your next bike ride, or serve them alongside cheese and crackers at your next picnic. Enjoy the taste and health benefits of these perfect prunes this spring and beyond!
Prunes are my desert every day!
OMG! The Wonder Fruit, besides Snacking, I Love to Bake with them YUMMO! 🙂
Prunes as good
great fruit!
I will be looking out for these prunes on my next trip to the store!
I love the taste of Sun Sweet prunes . They are a great snack.
Love it
Didn’t know that there were so many health benefits!
Didn’t know there were so many health benefits!