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Tastiness and sweetness shouldn’t just be reserved for dessert. At Farm Star Living, we like to have fun with all our meals - including dinner! Deepen the flavor of braised chicken with some nutritious prunes.

Versatility is at the heart of Green Giant™ Fresh’s new Veggie Bowls! You’ll quickly find that if you’re not adding a sunny side-up egg, using as a filling for a breakfast taco, or incorporating your favorite protein, you’re heating these microwave-safe containers and gobbling down delicious and filling veggie combinations.

Our fun take on the classic Caprese salad uses DJ Forry seedless grapes. These premium California grapes are perfect for our Caprese skewers, adding a touch of sweet and tons of nutrition.

Right now, the Farm Star Living team is indulging in Starr Ranch Gala apples. Fragrant, juicy, and bright, this crisp red apple is perfect for our Apple Cinnamon Yogurt Parfait.

Our Watermelon Salsa recipe is a fun turn on the classic and uses watermelons from Melon 1, one of the oldest and largest watermelon shippers in the United States. Make an already festive condiment into a daring medley of spicy and sweet.

This is one of those go-to recipes that you'll recreate again and again! It's a light and fresh spin on the same old potato salad with the addition of homemade mustard dressing, asparagus, and parmesan cheese. Dig in!