The trade show floor was huge!

The trade show floor was huge!

With United Fresh, there's big fresh food business going on not only in the USA, but across the world.

With their keynote speaker Hillary Clinton, a thousand people at least listened on as she discussed how important it is to have fresh food - fruits and vegetables - served in school cafeterias. With children forming habits at such early ages, if they get hooked on processed, quick and easy junk food, it's harder to have healthy habits as adults. She felt that the schools need to be given more support, more assistance in learning how to cook healthy and easy meals versus serving just the easiest foods and the ones that kids would prefer! I agree - and so does United Fresh. In fact, that is what they've been trying to do in Washington, D.C. Support more healthy food choices, commend school reform with cafeterias and provide easier access and programs.


Delicious, fresh food was everywhere!

With United Fresh, there's big fresh food business going on not only in the USA, but across the world.

With their keynote speaker Hillary Clinton, a thousand people at least listened on as she discussed how important it is to have fresh food - fruits and vegetables - served in school cafeterias. With children forming habits at such early ages, if they get hooked on processed, quick and easy junk food, it's harder to have healthy habits as adults. She felt that the schools need to be given more support, more assistance in learning how to cook healthy and easy meals versus serving just the easiest foods and the ones that kids would prefer! I agree - and so does United Fresh. In fact, that is what they've been trying to do in Washington, D.C. Support more healthy food choices, commend school reform with cafeterias and provide easier access and programs.

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Convenient and healthy pre-packaged foods!

Other things that I saw and loved were foods like pre-packaged peppers, salad mixes, fruit and fresh food that is being provided in stores that makes it easy for the busy Moms and Dads to offer quick yet healthy options to serve at home. It's not easy with both parents working while raising a family, and the companies I talked with are trying to provide fresh, healthy options that make quick and easy yet healthy, fresh dinners more accessible and easy.

Fruit and veggies being pre-cut are making their way to the top of the heap, as it would take a long time to chop butternut squash into tiny cubes that you can easily cook with. New options for pre-pared, fresh food were found down every trade show aisle as they simply just need to be reheated. Companies like MANN's, LoveBeets and Kiwi for Kids make its way to the top of the list in my mind.

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Amazing blueberries!

Organics are making more of an impact, and companies like Wholesum Family Farms and VivaTierra showed that organic food is their only way to go. Greenhouse grown tomatoes are becoming more popular with companies like Sunset Grown, NatureSweet and Red Sun Farms demonstrating that their tomatoes are picked from the vine in controlled environments.

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Greenhouse tomatoes! YUM!

Overall, the industry is working hard to legislate better health food choices, offer more healthy options to consumers and make their products in more healthful ways. It makes me feel proud to be part of an industry that has a positive impact on us - there's nothing processed here! I guess everyone is united in wanting that fresh message to come across, and we at Farm Star Living are, too.


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