In so many parts of the USA, winter season is a huge challenge to growing fresh fruits and vegetables, but this is when FLORIDA shines its brightest! Florida strawberries are in their peak season NOVEMBER through MARCH; which means that when the Northeast is typically cold and snowy, Florida strawberries are growing big and beautiful in their most desirable and prime climate!
Florida has a specific area that has been known world-wide for its delicious, flavorful and sweet strawberries. Guess where this is? Plant City! Isn’t that the best name for the area growing the most tasty and delicious strawberry plants across the country? Every winter Florida Strawberry Growers Associations starts buzzing and beaming because of its unique and world-class strawberry plants, bursting with berries during these key winter months.
I visited Plant City and got to meet so many of the passionate Florida farmers while they were in the middle of harvesting these delicious berries. I was able to walk the rows of berries – literally picking them off and eating them right there! They were heavenly! I saw the twinkle in the eyes of the farmers, talking about why these berries were so packed with flavor and so unique. I couldn't have agreed more. I love talking with farmers like those of the FSGA. These are people who have dedicated their lives (often for many generations) to growing simply the best strawberries you can find, and I felt their personal connection to the fields and the strawberries themselves.
After all, the crops aren't something that just happen, crops are cultivated and planned all year long. I got to hear stories of the region and experience the 'strawberry homage' everywhere. But the most inspiring was connecting with and talking with the hard-working farming families; understanding the dedication and commitment to growing the best strawberries world-wide, which earned the farmers as a collective the Winter Strawberry Capital of the USA designation.
The fields are prepared months in advance through cutting-edge technology using the latest equipment that allows them to monitor the soil, know which fields will produce the best berries, and which berries will grow the best in specific areas. This all happens with the help of the Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, under supervision of Dr. Vance Whitaker – he explained how years and years of research goes into this process of selecting the best varieties that will produce the best flavor, and be the most resilient for the upcoming season. (See video on the right-hand side of the page here that describes this process!)
Different strawberry varieties are grown each year, so you might have a slight different flavor profile from one berry to the next – perhaps a bit more floral note, or a more sweet note, or the seeds might be visible on the skin – or not. This is what makes strawberry varieties unique and so special, however, any variety of strawberry grown by Florida Strawberry Growers Association is going to be delicious and good for you. Hands-down, any Florida-grown strawberry is going to be delicious. They just can’t help it - they’re grown that way! The combination of the fertile soil, warm days, and cooler evenings found in the sunshine state, along with the mix of warm and cool weather breeds the perfect strawberry for snacking, for desserts, sauces, smoothies, and so much more.
Berries are carefully picked by hand, with TLC, and selected at their peak and most stellar moments when the berry's ripeness and most desirable flavor is at its highest level. Then, they're quickly and safely shipped directly to the grocery stores to be admired and enjoyed by us all. It is an efficient process, and the goal is to get them directly from the fields to the produce aisle with as little interruption as possible. In this instance, "from the field to your table" is very accurate and a true statement! The process is safe and fast, and there truly is something different, special, and especially satisfying when you bite into a Florida strawberry.
Check out the videos that take you behind-the-scenes as to what Florida strawberry growing is all about. With state-of-the-art technology, expertise and research, and a lot of passion from family farmers, Florida strawberries are a stand-out and worth the wait! But you don’t need to wait any longer!
Florida strawberries are coming to stores near you, NOW, thanks to the hard-working family farmers who have been waiting all year for these very moments. So, make sure you look for them and enjoy them as often as you can – and while you can! I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say, "A Florida strawberry is true berry bliss!"
I would love to visit a strawberry farm in florida!
You learn about Florida strawberries.
I LOVE strawberries!
I love juicy berries.
I love strawberry jam
want to make a strawberry pie
I didn’t know there were different kinds of strawberries!!
I would love more recipes
I can almost taste the delicious strawberries!
Strawberries are the best!
Beautiful Berries
A good way to learn about the differences in strawberries.
“Long road’ to getting these delicious tasty treats from seedlings to our tables
Love Florida strawberries
Never knew it was the winter strawberry capital!
Learn about the various types of strawberries.
my favorite fruit
love strawberries
I love strawberries
Love them so very much.
Thank you
Plant city seems like a perfect place! Great for perfectly grown berries!
Those strawberries 🍓 look so delicious!!
I love strawberries.
Who doesn’t love strawberries!
Just grabbed some fresh strawberries and angel food cake for desert
I really enjoy your informative blogs. The photography is stunning!
Hello to the hard working farm workers in the Plant City area
Anything that has strawberry I’m down!
Love ❤️ Love ❤️ Love ❤️ Strawberries!
You learn about the health benefits of strawberries.
About to go shopping for some fresh fruits..hope our strawberries look this good
Strawberries are one of my favorites!
I can remember when I was young and we would go “pick your own” strawberries, and eat as many as you could while doing it. It was at a farm where they sold fresh produce but on one week in the summer they had a “pick your own” week.
A woman with great common sense
Strawberries are healthy for you
I think it’s interesting and necessary for all of us to be educated about how our food goes from seed>farmer>store> us! It’s my opinion that Farm Star 🌟 Living is the best at explaining and showing! 🙏🏻 Thanks y’all
You can learn all about the different varieties of strawberries.
My favorite season!
I love strawberry smoothies–so healthy and delicious!
Guess we have to wait for a few long months for peak season again
Strawberry pie is the best.
Strawberries from Florida are big & juicy.
This Florida boy loves our strawberries
That is quite the operation/process
Lots of love going into growing deliciousness
The farmers in Florida and every where should be proud of the way their crops, produce, has turned out. They work hard and it shows in they’re product.
Berry awesome
Love eating strawberries with cream and sugar.
A great way to learn all about strawberries.
Fresh picked strawberries! MM MM!
Oh my gosh that was impressive! I love strawberries from Florida! 😋
Nothing better than a bowl of fresh strawberries!
Strawberries steal my heart with their juicy sweetness and vibrant flavor. They’re not just a fruit; they’re a delicious obsession!
very informative
thank you for sharing
I would love to be there when it comes time to pick the strawberries.
I love my berries!
Love Florida
This has a lot of great information.
The berries look so juicy!
My son is hooked on berries lately, luckily they are all healthy and delicious
The information in this article is great but why do people always forget the Upper Midwest? We are cold and snowy in the winter too.
I love Florida strawberries
Yummy snack any time of the day
Love me some Florida strawberries. I with I still lived there.
I love anything berries!!
I can never get enough of your Florida strawberries.
I had gestational diabetes and berries were the perfect sweet treat. They were delicious and never spiked my sugars!
Florida berries re the best!
Pure berry bliss!
A good way to learn about growing strawberries & the different types of them.
Strawberries are my go to fruit.
Strawberries are delicious!
Strawberries are my favorite fruit!
I want strawberries now
Sorry, but I have to go to the store now! Need strawberries!!!!
Another farm that I would love to see!!
need to avoid captcha for easier comments to save time please
they are big
Great article
You learn about how strawberries are grown.
These really are the best farms.
We’re a big berry family! I can’t imagine anything more delicious!
Much love to all our strawberry growers! Thanks for giving us the best!
I love fresh berries!
I am looking forward to some good berries!
A great way to learn about Florida strawberries.
Thanks 🙂
I would love to work at the the strawberry and raspberry farms and pick all day.
Thank you all so much for the fresh fruits and vegetables you grow. I have learned so much from your videos.
love strawberries as a late night healthy snack
Favorite fruit.
Thank you, farm workers.
Never knew there was a strawberry growers association! Pretty neat!
All these pictures of strawberries are making me hungry!
My favorite fruit!
I love strawberries!
Can’t wait to go pick strawberries
Strawberries are great to eat every day.
I love berries, especially strawberries!
This is not Strawberry Season right now in SW Florida, they come from California now, but they are just as juicy & good !!
I want to make a strawberry rhubarb pie now
I love strawberries! But, only if they are organic.
Strawberry season is upon us! It’s the best time of the year!
Best berries ever coming from Florida
Strawberries are always a great snack.
Florida is a favorite vacation spot for our family and we used to enjoy the Florida oranges, might have to go for the Strawberries on our next visit
I have always wanted to go strawberry picking!
Thank you for these tasty images – I’m salivating over here!
I wish the ones in the stores looked as good as these do!!
just had a bowl of cereal with fresh strawberries – yum!
I love everything berry
We Have a Few Pick your Own Strawberries in CT . We have a Short growing season here ….
GREAT looking and I bet tasty
Love this article
I wish I could get strawberries eveyday.
Those strawberries looks so good, I immediately began craving some!
I love berries!!! Any berry will do!
I could eat strawberries year round. Unfortunately I live in a cold weather area and the strawberries that are offered in the winter are not very good and worth the cost. I would pay more for them if they were flavorful.
what a wonderful, popular, versatile, juicy, refreshing food
Between the watermelon and the berries, well, I can’t take it anymore.
Florida strawberries are the best!!
Strawberries make me happy
All of the florida berries are great
Love fresh strawberries! I also like to use frozen strawberries and blend them with a protein shake, very yummy.
Beautiful, healthy-looking, tasty strawberries.
Lots and Lots of strawberries.
These Strawberries look amazing
Strawberry season is a good season just love them
strawberries are a great snack.
We love our Florida strawberries!
We love Florida strawberries!
two “berry” silly girls
Love strawberries
Love picking my own.
I absolutely LOVE strawberries
Yummy strawberries!!
I know I’ve said this already but I would absolutely love to take a trip here! And might I say the photos look amazing!!
my whole family loves stawberries we eat them all the time so many things we use strawberries in
Save our farms!
UN Agenda 2030
Globalist are poisoning our food supply. No food = No people
UN “People are the problem, we have to depopulate 95% of people (useless eaters, to save the planet)”. Umm, Noooooo
These are delicious
didn’t know that Plant City was the Winter Strawberry Capitol of USA
I would love some of your strawberries now
Cant say I’ve ever seen strawberries from Florida, but if they look like this I’m IN!!
Now I am really hungry for strawberries!
Strawberries are the best
i love strawberry pie . . . .
I look forward to when they’re in season!
Florida strawberries rock!
i love a strawberry milkshake . . . . .
i love strawberries . . . . .
love strawberries especially cheesecake
You Guy`s Look Fantastic ~! Women Farmers Are Awesome ~!!! Happy Strawberry Season …….Thank You For All You Do And How You Farm With Such Care & Detail ~! Thank You For The Chance To Win Florida Strawberries……Strawberries Are My JAM ~ #OklahomaThanksYou #FarmLife #CleanLiving
I love strawberries. Eat them every chance I can!!!!
Hope to win. Thank you for chance
i love strawbeeries
Every time I read your blog I end up craving your strawberries.
I finally know exactly what goes into growing my all time favorite strawberries! The Video’s are so interesting! Thank you!
Gotta focus on healthier eating!
reminds me of what I love about FL
I so much want to go to Florida during harvesting season, I’d even like to see what the planting process looks like.
When I used to live in Tampa I had the fortunate experience to go to the strawberry festival in Plant City and pay only $3 to go through the strawberry shortcake line and build my own strawberry shortcake. Those were the good old days! That was probably in maybe 1985. My dear childhood friend lives in Plant City on a cow farm!
I love those strawberries
I just love Florida strawberries 🍓
I have learned so much through your videos and blog posts. I do love strawberrys and appreciate your hard work and fresh berrys.
Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know, Christy. We LOVE hearing that you are enjoying what we put out there for you. <3
Love me some Strawberries!! Yum Yum@!
No wonder why winter is my favorite time to eat strawberries.
My whole family loves these strawberries can’t seem to keep them in the house!
Florida Strawberries,are the Best,Our Family Loves them!
I love strawberries if they are plump and sweet.
Thank you and Happy New Year🎊🎉🎊🎉.
Love Florida strawberries
I learned something. Great info.
Yum! Love strawberries.
Love Florida Strawberries! Big and jjuicy!
Love this time of year with fresh Florida strawberries
Can you order the strawberries to deliver to North Carolina.
Quite an impressive operation!
I love Florida Strawberries !!!! Always Fresh !!!!
I love strawberries
Love all the information along with the enteries for the giveaway these are by far the best strawberries I’ve eaten
Nice Blog
I am so glad
Love Florida strawberries!
We eat your strawberries on everything from cereal or oatmeal in the morning to just fresh as a snack.
Absolutely love strawberries,thank you for the blog.
We eat a lot of Strawberries around here.Always making something with Strawberries
njce blog–thank you.
Nice blog 👍
so nummy, grandkids love’m
I eat strawberries year round. Love them!!!!!!
Florida strawberries have been absolutely delicious!
Delicious strawberries!! LOVE THEM