As part of the Green Giant™ Fresh Experts of Empowerment series, we’re excited to share some fresh, simple tips to help you be your best self! These insights, created by our Expert of Empowerment, Dr. Felicia Stoler, draw from lifestyle medicine principles and the secrets of the Blue Zones—those amazing regions around the world known for longevity and vibrant health.

As part of the Green Giant™ Fresh Experts of Empowment series, we wanted to bring you some fresh insights on how to be your best self! These tips created by our Expert of Empowerment Dr. Felicia Stoler are based upon the principles of lifestyle medicine, the Blue Zones and longevity regions of the world. In a world where health trends seem to change by the day, one thing remains constant—Dr. Felicia Stoler’s passion for empowering people to take control of their well-being. As a leading voice in holistic wellness and disease prevention, Dr. Stoler brings not just knowledge, but a true understanding of what it means to stay healthy in today’s busy, often overwhelming, world.

Her journey is as inspiring as it is impressive, with degrees from top universities that include a bachelor’s degree from Tulane University, a master’s in applied physiology and nutrition from Columbia University, and a doctorate in clinical nutrition from Rutgers University. But what really sets her apart is her relatable approach to health. Whether it's sharing simple, real-life tips or breaking down complex nutrition advice into easy, everyday practices, Dr. Stoler makes wellness accessible for all of us. She’s not just a doctor—she’s the go-to guide we all need when it comes to living a healthier, more balanced life.

Dr. Felicia Stoler wears many hats—she’s not just a registered dietitian nutritionist but also an exercise physiologist and an expert in lifestyle medicine. Her passion for health doesn’t stop with one-on-one consultations; she’s deeply involved in wellness advocacy on every level. From serving on local, state, and national committees to being a Fellow with the American College of Sports Medicine and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Dr. Stoler is committed to making health and wellness accessible for everyone.

On top of her clinical work, Dr. Stoler is an educator at heart. She’s taught at institutions like Brookdale Community College, Kean University, Rutgers University, and John Patrick University, translating complex scientific concepts into practical advice that we can all understand. You might have also seen her on TV—she hosted TLC's "Honey, We’re Killing the Kids!"—or read her book, Living Skinny in Fat Genes™: The Healthy Way to Lose Weight and Feel Great, where she offers straightforward tips for living a healthier life.

But Dr. Stoler’s influence doesn’t stop there. She’s always looking for ways to make a difference in the community. As the Director of Community Engagement for Truusight, she worked to improve health outcomes in Monmouth County, and her position on Forbes’ Medical Advisory Board highlights just how dedicated she is to advancing public health and nutrition. Whether she’s speaking to a classroom, writing for major outlets like, or working on the frontlines of public health, Dr. Stoler is constantly finding new ways to help people live their healthiest lives.

Tips for Becoming Your Best Self: A Guide to Health, Balance, and Longevity

In our fast-paced world, finding ways to feel healthy, less stressed, and more balanced can seem daunting. However, here are tips to help one be their best self, feel healthy, less stressed & more balanced. These are based upon the principles of lifestyle medicine, the Blue Zones and longevity regions of the world.


Are you getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night? Do you wake up energized of sluggish? Sleep is when your body recharges, repairs and renews itself. We burn more fat while sleeping (the ultimate state of rest) than during the day!


Pay attention to your caffeine consumption during the day and stop by 3pm. Try to go to bed around the same time each day. Keep your bedroom free from distractions: lights, sounds, technology.


Make your bed a sacred spot for sleeping, comfy bedding, cool temperature and if you like white noise – consider a fan or an app (even an Alexa device has white noise). If you wake up (other than to go to the bathroom), do not look at your phone, eat or start to engage with technology… quickly curl back up into bed and try to resume those ZZZs.


Drink lots of water! Our bodies are 70% water! So, don't skimp on drinking water as we need it for optional everything!


Eat a well-rounded, plant forward diet. With all the information about best ways to eat, one thing that holds true: when you make plants the foundation of your diet, you will not only be fueling your body, but providing it with the nutrients it needs: carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, and FIBER!

You may have heard the term gut microbiome… it’s a reference to the good bugs in our bellies that are essential for optimal health and immune function. Fruits, vegetables and grains are all plants. Too often people get caught up in thinking that carbohydrates are BAD… they are not. They are like gasoline is to a car… they keep us fueled!

I encourage people to try to eat as many colors of the rainbow from plants each day! Everyone is thrilled when I tell them that potatoes are vegetables! It’s true. Veggies come in many colors, textures and parts of a plant: roots, tubers, bulbs, stems, leaves and flowers.


In French, the word for potato is pomme de terre (apple of the earth). There is a place for periodic French fries and papas fritas (potato chips). I’m a huge fan of potatoes because they are packed with nutrients: Vitamin C, Potassium, Fiber, Vitamin B6, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Niacin & Folate. Potatoes are also low in FODMAPs**. There are more than 5,000 varieties worldwide! They are the fourth most grown food crop after wheat, corn and rice! They are super versatile, easy to prepare and last for quite a while in a cool, dark, dry space in your home.

NOTE: We think you'll appreciate how Green GIant™ Fresh potatoes are grown with even higher standards than the USDA holds for potato growing! That's the Green Giant Fresh standards of excellence and quality.

**FODMAPS: (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols). These are types of sugars that some people, particularly those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or other digestive issues, find difficult to digest.

Foods low in FODMAPs, like potatoes, are less likely to cause symptoms such as bloating, gas, stomach pain, and other gastrointestinal discomforts. For people who follow a low-FODMAP diet to manage these symptoms, potatoes are considered a safe and gentle option that won’t trigger digestive issues.


Engage in Daily Physical Activity. Our bodies are designed to MOVE. It’s definitely a use it or lose proposition. In fact, there’s a reason why it’s called physical education in school… and unfortunately, too many people haven’t had enough of it! We can safely say that muscle mass is the currency of longevity! It is the ONE thing that you can do to prevent so many diseases: diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's, dementia, and the list goes on and on. The great news is that all large muscle movement counts: walking, jogging, swimming, racquet or paddle sports, jumping rope, yoga, weight training, pilates, hiking, cycling, yard work, cleaning your house, dancing… whatever it is that YOU like and are willing to do. If you sit for most of the day (at work, school or traveling), try to walk for 5 minutes every hour.

Over the course of an 8-hour work day, you can accumulate 40 minutes of physical activity. Take the stairs, park your car further from your destination to add more steps… while watching TV, do some squats, lunges or sit-ups during commercials… use objects in your home for added resistance (think about bicep curls with a full grocery bag or backpack). All components of exercise are key: cardio, strength and balance.


Practice mindfulness and stress management. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of the moment without judgement. Meditation is a well-known form of mindfulness and stress management. Admittedly, I have a difficult time meditating. However, I do engage in breathwork to help me de-stress and even love to be outdoors in nature. Whether it’s a beach, a forest, a lush yard, mountains, getting up early for a sunrise or watching a sunset, even dancing in the rain… focusing on the beauty of nature focus on what you are experiencing: sight, sound, smell and feel. Keep a gratitude journal. Mindful eating is when you actually think about your food – pay attention the sensations of chewing, tasting, and texture along with your emotions.


Develop and nurture healthy interpersonal relationships. Humans are social animals. One of the worst forms of punishment is solitary confinement! Friendships are a very important component of emotional well-being. Some people are lucky to have wonderful relationships within their family unit… others create them. Friends are the family YOU choose. Just like pets and plants, they require nurturing and effort. While social media was intended to be used to keep people connected, we are all too familiar with knowing there are downsides that can be devastating.

Remember that when you meet or encounter an individual, you are meeting them where they are in that moment. We are the sum of our experience. We also don’t know everything about the person in front of us… their joys, their pain, their trauma, their fears, their hopes, their dreams. Eye contact and a smile can go a long way in changing someone’s day… as does holding a door, being a courteous, helping a stranger, doing acts of kindness. Hand write thank you notes. Reach out to someone you haven’t been in touch with for a long time, just to let them know you were thinking of them. We are all one race – the human race.

Remember, small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements in your overall well-being. Embrace these tips, and take a step closer to becoming your best self!

We hope you enjoyed Dr. Stoler's message as much as we did! Make sure you follow Dr. Stoler and stay connected to all that she's doing and sharing with her community, so check out her Instagram and her website. @feliciastoler on IG, @FeliciaStoler on FB, @feliciastoler on X, @drfeliciastoler on TikTok

Also, let us know how you liked Felicia's expert tips and check out our Instagram and Facebook (farmstarliving), or email us at


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