Dusty dirt road. Blue, cloud-filled sky above green fields as far as the eye can see. Hot summer sun, baring down. Perspiration across your brow, your back. The idea of walking across this field as long as a football field, in this heat, under this sun, and working for hours might sound like a daunting idea. But not to folks at Melon 1. This is their time to shine!
Summer is the season when watermelons come to life. They are at the center of our summer tables, punctuating the moments that we share with friends and family, providing the backdrop for us all to enjoy something special that we all need and want – love. Watermelons embody those summer moments spent together, bringing us all to the table, offering a colorful, sweet, healthy and cooling experience that no other produce item can offer. There’s something magical about sharing a slice of watermelon with someone special during the hot summer days.
And Melon 1 takes joy and to heart their important role of delivering this slice of Americana to you, summer after summer, one school bus at a time. See more behind-the-scenes fun on the watermelon farm in this article.
The largest watermelon shipper on the East Coast, Melon 1 was founded when two third-generation watermelon companies joined forces: F. H. Dicks of South Carolina candLawrence Lapide of New York to create. In 1999, Richard Chastain came onboard and the rest, as they say, is history. These families' hard work paid off, and Melon 1 soon became the largest shipper of watermelons across the USA. Melon 1 ships nationwide, using cutting-edge technology to meet food safety and traceability standards. That is why the Melon 1 label is so important – you'll know that the watermelons are safe, traceable, and grown by experts. They know what it takes to make sure their plants are grown in perfect soil, under the best conditions, to produce flavorful, sweet, healthy fruit!
Watermelon farmers roll up their sleeves and dig in, bearing the heat and the brunt of the hard work that it takes to grow watermelons. Often, farming is a solitary business, but it helps to share their passion with their their teams – and families. So, often you'll find that it is a family affair, which corresponds with the way watermelons were grown: to be shared with ones you love! That's why it's even more fulfilling to be watermelon growers for the Harrell Family, and their farm is known as Agrarian Farms out of North Carolina. Bill Harrel and his sons Charlie and David are 4th and 5th generation farmers, and this marks their 10th year growing watermelons with Melon 1!
More people you’ll see down those dusty dirt roads are people such as the Reid Family. Brothers Dennis and Rick, along with his son Denny, joined forces with a few other farmers, Stephen and Scot Abt, Zach Blanchfield and Vance Monroe, as sometimes you have to band together to get all the work done, efficiently and smoothly. Together, they grow about 700 acres of watermelons every year out of their farmland in Maryland. Passion, fun, and willing to get the job done – the true characteristics of farmers!
Also, three generations of the Mathis family have found their appreciation of agriculture has passed down from generation to generation, too, at the MGM Farms in Tifton, GA. Melvin began watermelon farming in 1977, and sons Ben and grandson Michael (all pictured) embrace family farming together today.
To me, this says a lot, because you have to have an iron stomach to farm. Being in a farming family, you see the real 'day in' and 'day out' work that goes into it. The hard part is that even after all of the hard work you've put in all year long, it can go away in a matter of an instant, as weather can change, things can happen so quickly and the result can be a lost crop. And, in many instances, some farmers can't recover.
This happens too often, and to watch your folks go through rough years of farming can be tough, so many kids would perhaps move away to do something different, something in an office or in a city. Yet kids grow up seeing how much their parents love farming, and how important farming is to all of us. Farmers don't typically farm for the money, but they do it more for the joy itself of growing food! Food that's good and healthy for us all. So, because of this, many times the next generation understands how farming is such an important job, and up until recently others might not appreciate or even understand it, but these farmers wouldn't dream of doing anything else.
For a few months every year, these watermelons are yours for the taking – yours to enjoy, one healthy bite at a time, offering sweet moments of happiness and all things good and wholesome. This is why the farmers with Melon 1 love what they do. They’re bringing their own sense of good, healthy and generational values to market, one sweet, flavorful Melon 1 watermelon at a time.
And Melon 1 watermelons are at the heart of summer, and I couldn't be more grateful. These are our farmers, the unsung heroes of America, and thank you to Melon 1, who's bringing us all a summer filled with healthy, delicious and sweet watermelon smiles.
It’s nice to see the farmers children taking part in the farming process.
thank goodness for farming watermelon, or else we wouldn’t have any watermelon !
Gotta be resilient to grow watermelons 😁
We love watermelons in my home.
lI enjoy outdoor work and always will enjoy that feeling of freedom and sunshine
Melon 1 takes pride in bringing these melons to stores.
Very cool to see kids commit to farming and keep the tradition alive.
Watermelon and summer!! Best fruit ever.
Watermelon is the perfect way to cool down in the summer
love out watermelon.
Melon 1 is the largest shipper of watermelons across the USA.
I love watermelon
I love watermelon any time of year.
farmers got it made, they can just take a break and sit in the sunshine where ever they are and feast on a watermelon for lunch
There’s something magical about sharing a slice of watermelon with someone special during the hot summer days.😊
Watermelon is so healthy
I think there is much more to farming, from beginning to end, than we think.
Thanks for this info’
Lots of watermelons!
Watermelon farming is a gamble.
This is interesting!
That is what a family is supposed to do. Work together to make sure that the next generations will continue.
I love fresh fruit for dessert
The farmers work long hours.
You guys should be very proud of the work you do.
I think I would enjoy farming, always near home and good ol outdoor living is my cup of tea
Thanks to the farmers that pick this delicious fruit that’s heavy but delicious
Looks yummy
They are at the center of our summer tables…😁
Watermelon farming isn’t easy. Thanks for bringing us our favorite summertime treat!
I know it is hard to hide a watermelon because they are so big but they are green and in their natural element
Sometimes you have to band together to get all the work done…
I’m so surprised how many amazing things you can make with water melon
I have such an appreciation for farmers, all farmers everywhere
Watermelon is wonderful for those hot summer days when you just want something cold and refreshing to eat.
Watermelon is delicious
blessings to all these farmers
Nice job farmers!
These farmers don’t get enough credit for the hard work they do.
Yum! What stores are you in?
their time to shine!
I see those lines of farmers heaving the watermelons down the line and wondering if one farmer messes up or drops one is that time for a break for all ? Farming watermelon is no doubt physically harder than cherry tomatoes or blueberries or apples but all God’s creation needs to be reaped
Sounds very healthy
These farmers work many long hours each day.
Also the candy of summer
Watermelons embody those summer moments spent together…
Cheers for our farmers!
To see a watermelon really small before they start to grow.
My grandmother loved watermelon
Eating watermelons is a great way to stay hydrated.
Always that feeling of being home, always near and accessible to family. A very much respected job and even for some a hobby to get in that earth and make something wonderful and appreciated by many.
It’s such a fun fruit to grow on the vine
The Reed family has 700 acres!
Would love to have one now
I could be wrong but I sense farmers are waning to the take over automation world, but I’m still left wondering if farming is in any way a lucrative job. I know it’s got lots of perks,,at home, pick your hours,,,(somewhat), but your still at the mercy of weather when determining your income, AKA harvest
All the hard work of the farmers can be gone in an instant if bad weather arrives.
Thanks for the information.
We love watermelon!!
farming is about as all American as you can get, with sunshine and miles of beautiful fields
using cutting-edge technology to meet food safety
I haven’t had watermelon in awhile
Fast changing weather can cause havoc for the farmers.
Great article on watermelon in the summer. Thanks for the info.
Cool read especially about the Mathis family keeping farming in their thriving family.
Interesting – now it is time to buy a watermelon!
one school bus at a time…😁
MELON1 melons are the best!
I need to buy some
Watermelons are sweet, juicy & healthy.
I have a lot respect for ALL farmers, melon and otherwise . They are the heart of America. THANK YOU FARMERS
Watermelon farming is not an easy job
I can’t believe watermelon season is over already
Gotta have watermelon (Melon1) all summer! Too hot to turn on the oven and NO Need To!
healthy and cooling🤗
Hard, hot work, cool, juicy rewards
Melon 1 was founded when 2 watermelon companies joined forces.
Nothing better than a cold watermelon on a hot sunny day!
Thank you for all the hard work and bringing us our traditional Summer time snack!!
Watermelon 🍉🍉 farming is a lot harder than it looks. Farming in general. So very Thankful & Grateful for ALL Farmers
First time grower
Appreciate all the farmers that do such laborious work for us to have a sweet treat!
Thank a Farmer 🙂 Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think watermelons are one of the best treats the Earth has to offer
The end of summer’s picking Watermelon in FL was hard when the weather wouldn’t cooperate, & it was hot and humid !!
I wish I could enjoy watermelon every day.
Another of hard work goes into bringing us this juicy treat.
None of the ones that I find in my local stores look as good as yours.
Watermelon 🍉🍉 farming is not easy work. I have the highest respect, very grateful & thankful for ALL farmers. God Bless y’all
We should be grateful to the watermelon farmers for their hard work.
Love this
Love watermelon.
Like I said it great to tell & show what takes to raise watermelons.
New York watermelons, yeah!
It’s not Summer time without fresh watermelon.
There are many generations of family in these farmers families.
It was cool to learn the company’s history and it’s origins. I didn’t know that Melon 1 was the largest watermelon shipper on the East Coast. That’s impressive!
Watermelon is my favorite.
What a beautiful tribute to summer and the hard work of the folks at Melon 1! I love how this article captures the essence of watermelon as the heart of our summer gatherings. It’s wonderful to know that the melons we enjoy come from family-run farms with generations of experience, like the Harrell Family at Agrarian Farms. Kudos to Melon 1 for their dedication to quality and tradition, ensuring every watermelon brings a slice of joy to our summer moments! 🌞🍉
Love learning more about where our food actually comes from and the people/families behind the brand.
What a cute little baby watermelon
Yeah, tell me all abt my fave melon
What a fabulous food I will take in this info
Wonderful sharing! 👍💗👍🩵🙏🩷
Watermelons give you a cool sweet experience.
I always love watermelon.
Watermelon has it1s own distinct taste that makes you enjoy.
Mason 1 is the largest watermelon shipper on the east coast.
Actually looks like one of the easier ways to get into farming.
These are great suggestions.
That sounds like some hard work.
Look delicious
watermellon is great anytime
All the hard work pays off w/ these fabulous watermelons
They speak summer.
Watermelon fields can be as long as a football field.
I love watermelon.
So much work goes into these great watermelons!
great stuff
This article makes some valid points.
A good way to learn how watermelons are grown.
I love watermelon! Thanks for all the farming information. It taks a lot of work to grow great wateremlon!
Watermelon is the best summer fruit.
I remember eating watermelon in the backyard in our bathing suits and then getting hosed off afterwards!
Beautiful nature and watermelons. Thank you for this article!
I love watermelon!
Love watermelon!
Watermelon is so refreshing on ahot summer day
allergic to watermelon
These farmers often work under harsh conditions.
Watermelons look great.
It’s interesting to learn that farming is a generational skill..
those look great
I am surrounded by corporate farming. There are fields butted up against two of my property lines. “Farmers” are paid employees. The land is owned by people in suits. They spray their chemicals on me and my land via crop dusters. Farming is not like it was when I grew up on one.
My chickens are obsessed with watermelon.
I grow my own. every year.
I love watermelon during the summer.
This makes me really hungry for some watermelon.
God bless all the watermelon farmers!
I absolutely adore fresh watermelon. I buy at least one a week.
A lot of good information.
Very interesting to learn about the technology involved in watermelon farming. Summer is the best time to eat it
Wonderful watermelon!
Informative article.
good background info
Lot’s of work!
Great story . . . but where is Ross Chastain’s Watermelon Farm come into play?
Interesting info and helpful
watermelons make summer tolerable . . . .
The watermelon looks great!
Perfect summer treat on a hot day!
Interesting read
Love watermelon
It is interesting to learn about the harvesting of watermelons.
Thank you, farmers!
I love watermelons
I learned alot.
Used some pointers when I bought my last one – and well – I still picked one that wasn’t the sweetest
Grateful for the farmers.
woula love to visit
Hard to beat the refreshing properties of watermelon on a warm summer day!
it’s not summer without watermelons!
It’s the farmer that keep this country going. Thanks to all the farmers.
I love watermelon. I just bought one yesterday.
Bring on that delicious watermelon!
Hey, take care of those great watermelons
Love watermelon
Pura familia!
I’m craving a piece now lol
Thank you for being a farmer and working so hard to grow watermelons.
These farmers get the children involved at a young age
Melon 1 is awesome!! There’s nothing like some juicy watermelon on a hot summer day!
Wish I had room to grow watermelon! Maybe I’ll leave that to the experts!!!
Learned a lot!
I would enjoy volunteering for a day, on most any job actually. (Gain knowledge and it gives you some nice to know stuff)
Buy 2 to 3 watermelons per year. Enjoyed the information on these watermelons.
Traditions from childhood are the best and watermelon is one of them
Traditions from childhood Will always be the best and watermelon is one of my favorite ones.
Traditions from childhood will always ve the best and picking watermelon is one of them.
Family farming should be celebrated!
I want a watermelon.
What else can you do with melons
How do they keep snakes away?!
Growing watermelons is not for dummies.
I just bought a batch of them, but they wont last long
I wish I had some right now
Any farmer has my utmost appreciation. I wish continued success to this family as they pass it on to the next generation.
Im always learning something new
Truly is the heart of summer and the best fruit yo eat during summer
What are the different species of melon?
I love growing things, even though all I have is a back yard. I’m glad they love what they’re doing.
Many thanks to the watermelon farmers
There are alot of watermelon farms in Florida
there is absolutely nothing negative about a watermelon except the mess you can make dissecting it and the amount of garbage one makes unless you compost.! yay
I so love watermelon!!! thanks for all the tips on picking the perfect one!!!
watermelon is the ideal summer snack!
I’ll be buying some soon
Passion and fun are must haves for this line of work…
looks very like a very soothing and happy life
Watermelons are healthy & naturally sweet
We need our farmers.
So many watermelon!
Anyone that grew up eating these as a child knows that watermelon is one of the best parts and sweetest bonuses of summer
The view is so pretty.
Good luck to all
I love watermelons
The magical fruit😁
on the truck to the patch
I love all the recipes you can make with watermelon
I was raised in the south and there are fond memories of picking watermelons in the field.
heart of summer is heart of melon season
Working under adverse conditions in the watermelon fields can seem like a daunting idea
Wish I could grow my own watermelons.
Those melons look amazing
Makes me kinda of wish I grew up on a watermelon farm lol
It would be so much fun to see farmers farming watermelons.
Some watermelon farmers get the whole family involved
Watermelon is so hydrating too
love the farming for watermelons
ALWAYS refreshing!
Thanks for showing me how to make watermelon salad
I hope farmers get their just deserved recognition and income to support their endeavor.
Yummy melons
Love that this brand is a family tradition and farmed in America!
This is the only thing I like abt summer
Great article and beautiful photos!
It’s harder than ever for farmers now and so important that we support our local growers and farm markets
Looks like a fun job!
I need to buy some on my next grocery shop
i’ll gladly ride the watermelon train
Wow cool
The watermelon fields can be as long as a football field
They’re definitely the heart of summer and one of my favorite parts as well
beautiful pictures, so welcoming and relaxing to look across a sunny field
Such a great article on the farming of watermelons!
I’m glad you guys stuck with your farming so I can have my watermelon.
Wonderful I love seeing this , farms mean alot to me because of my childhood
Watermelon is so delicious
Thank God for Farmers
get me on the watermelon train
I wonder on average, how many watermelons a day is reaped either by a person or farm
watermelon are good
I will check them out on my next grocery trip.
Watermelons embody summer time
Hard work. I’ve never been able to grow watermelons. (Or zuchinni, for that matter.)
lovely MELON 1
Keep it up
Watermelon would be so tasty right now
thank you for summertime
My family loves watermelon and this story made me appreciate the fruit more!
I love all things farming
I believe I can eat them all
Amazing all the things I’ve learned about these delicious fruits
Watermelons are a summer favorite
Very Interesting!
farm living is wholesome with a constant connection to God’s green earth
Watermelon is one of the best things about summer!
My 1st year, trying to grow water melon myself!
Can’t wait to find some!
watermelon, one of my absolute favorite foods
My gran used to love watermelon
Farm living is the life for me!
I like to freeze watermelon and use as ice cubes. Very good.
thank goodness for watermelons
summer is the only time for watermelons
Eating watermelons help keep you hydrated
Nostalgia is real and everything I watch this it takes me back to my childhood, I love it
What temperature should PFA’S be kept at?
Farmers rock!
Growing melons can be chancy–you never know what’s going to come up under them and ruin them.
I need to get a watermelon before the season is over
Love how happy everyone looks there!
Very interesting!!
I love this post.
Melon field
Summer wouldn’t be summer without this juicy delicious fruit ! You nailed it
where is the best climate to grow watermelon
Watermelon farmers don’t always work in great conditions
those watermelon farmers probably have a melon festival. that would be fun and colorful. I think watermelon items are beautiful with all the colors that make them up
Thankful for farmers
Support local family farms!
So miserably hot, could surely enjoy a nice cold one
How much watermelon can I eat so I don’t go over my intake level of PFA’S?
you can make beautiful party centerpieces from a watermelon
yes indeed, a family affair
Love all the benefits
Not many people can work under all these different weather conditions
summertime is the best of time to enjoy watermelon
Good, hard work…
That is a lot of land to care for.
Sweet summer
Hooter the day the better these taste , nothing beats a cold slice in the summer season
THANK YOU FARMSTARLIVING, not just for the food and recipes, but for the HONEST education that explains not just how things are done, but why and how this is applied to your higher standards and how it affects us. The journey is long, (to get to our table/home), but you always safely deliver and that is truly PRICELESS!!!
Always MMB making me hungry lol, the best ! I love watermelon
Thank you for sharing this
Love watermelon
Seems like such happiness from the people who work there
I know farming is very long, hard work but it seems so relaxing, sunny, open, and free that a day of the experience is something all should sample and give watermelons a new respect
The farmers have to work in all kinds of weather
summer is not right without watermelon
thank goodneww for watermelon farmers
so useful
Thank you farming families.
I love watermelon so much. It is so juicy.
Hard working
Do PFA”S help ripen the watermelons quicker?
I’m grateful that farmers love farming. This needs to be stressed more in schools. Most kids either think seeds just sprout, and the farmers go out for an hour once a year, or that all food comes from a grocery store, where it just magically ‘is’.
juicy sweet from the farm
Summer is watermelon time
I want some watermelon now!
Watermelon is my favorite summer snack.
Watermelons do not grow well here
Love this so much!
Farming is all a\American and even though people are eating more than ever ! {oik oik}. I feel farming is a dying art. Not only is it taken over by concrete and traffic but short cuts are continuously being invented
Seedless watermelons are my favorite.
I love watermelon!
Watermelon farming is a beautiful thing
Nice reason to smile a watermelon
During training in WWII, the troops would hit the watermelon fields licky picky locusts, just cutting out the sweetest ‘heart’ of every melon, and going on to the next. I wonder if their farms were hit that way? (Source: my father, who did a pretty good locust routine.)
Thanks for growing my watermelon.
Thank you for sharing
watermelon is one of my favorite fruits, just cant grow them here in Nevada
Are PFA”S hot or mild flavor?
It’s nice to know thsat something so good is also healthy.
the perfect summer treat
Interesting article. Thanks
So delicious! Love, love LOVE watermelon.
If you’re thirsty, just drink up a watermelon. Your thirst is quenched while your belly is full.
Many watermelon farmers have their whole family involved
Ahhh the heart and soul of summer
please stop more captcha unnecessarily
I need that in the AZ heat so bad!
Very interesting!
Bbqs, picnics , cookouts and any summer event you can always find a bowl of watermelon or even sliced watermelon
Good facts.
Very interesting!
great read on watermelon farming
I need to eat more watermelon
I like it.
Are Forever Chemicals healthy?
Mouthwatering juicy fresh delicious and amazingly good
Watermelon is so good for you.
I couldn’t be a watermelon farmer. I would be too busy eating watermelon in the field. Only the heart.
They really are “The Heart of the summer”. I love that!
It must be a love of farming and growing because I see the long hours and safety and pay and benefits that are involved or NOT involved
The families of some of the watermelon farmers go back generations
summer in the patch
So much heritage and tradition!
Thanks to the farmers that grow all the tasty watermelons!
summertime melon time
Watermelon farmers work long hours each day
farming is all American
I want some!
Thanks for sharing this information.
Healthy and amazingly delicious and one of the best parts of the season
Watermelon is my favorite
lovely tips
farming is such hard work
So nice to see this at my local Walmart
Melon 1 is the largest watermelon shipper on the east coast
Dedication and hard work pays off un the long run and doesn’t go unnoticed, in so glad and greatful to still have family farms today
One of the best things about summer is watermelon
interesting information
all american, wholesome, true blue farming out your back door
Great video
the more the better
Summer’s the season when watermelons comes to life
We used to have a garden and grew watermelons, but I learned so much more here!
Favorite season and time of year and one of my two favorite fruits , it’s so refreshing
Thanks Melon1 for growing those sweet delicious watermelons!
Yourself so appreciated and so is your hard work , thank you for bringing these delicious fruits to our table ! Keep up the hard work
You’re appreciated keep up the great hard work ! You have my support thank you
Keep up the great work we appreciate and support all of your hard work and what you are doing
lets go picking
A lot of watermelon farming is a family affair
farming watermelon is a healthy, good, useful, proud occupation that keeps you close to home and mother earth to keep things in perspective, fun food family, what really counts in this world
Live my USA and local produce
Not an easy job! A lot more goes into it than anyone realizes!
I wish I could grow watermelons.
sure seems like farms and family owned business’ have dwindled, a shame but what I see with automation and family spreading their wings to fly, not to mention the world of electronics.. I think those farm days were alot more social oriented, certainly family oriented with full support. We never had the pleasure of a visit to a watermelon farm but we went to the egg farm and them a milk farm every few weeks just for us six kids to survive.
Love it improves your skin
Each farmers story is very interesting to read about.
Watermelon farmers have a hard job
I was so happy to see my grocery store selling melon1 watermelons!
Appreciation and support goes along way for local farmers and they really need us especially now
I had you today, your sticker about buckling up caught my eye!
Mother jumping melon farmers! lol
Nothing goes with summer like watermelon
‘I love a sweet watermelon
I love her recipes they are fantastic
what a thirst quencher
Never bot had watermelon in the summer ,it was a huge part of my growing up and us for my daughter as well now
Thank you watermelon growers of the USA.
Watermelons hit the spot during the hot summer days
I’m ready!
Delicious watermelon!!! 🍉
Watermelon Farming
Good info!
what lovely views, there’s nothing better than endless, open views and sunshine
Watermelon farming is a family affair
Kudos for all the ag familes who grow watermelons & other vegetables & fruits.
Good article and the farmers get all the free watermelon they can eat! That’s a great perk!!!
Farming simply amazes me!
A lot of hard work — but the result is delicious.
Something we always looked forward to and loved as kids was watermelon,! This article reminds me of where I grew up at and takes me back
Watermelon is the best part of Summer!!
Nice to see behind the scenes!
These Melon 1 watermelons look so good. And I love how these are 4th & 5th generation farmers!
love watermelon
You learn how families work together growing watermelons
beautiful views
I like watermelon lemonade
Appreciate the farmers and all the hard work that goes into it , there’s so much more to it than we know
You can’t beat a watermelon for a summer refresher.
Look yummy!
So amazing to have so many generations!
too much sugar
It is important to know how one picks out a watermelon in the grocery store
It’s always good to know and learn where your food comes from and the farmers who grow it.
Looks delicious
Love tips
Summer and watermelon!
Great families and super life! Impressive!
I absolutely love watermelon! Love all these recipes!!
I love watermelons, thanks
Melons on a bus!
Watermelon is a summer favorite for our family.
Thank you for your dedication to provide us with such a tasty treat
Awesome! Thank you!
I appreciate you. I love watermelon.
Love the farming proces
Can you freeze watermelon?
So sweet and juicy!
It’s good to know how watermelons are grown
There’s nothing like a good watermelon
so interesting!
Great watermelons being grown by great families.
The watermelons look amazing along with the workers.
It’s really great that your showcasing the farmers , we need to be more supportive when it comes to farms. Without them we don’t eat
I never knew there were so many farms in so many states growling watermelons, nice!!
love the melon
Good info to know about watermelons
All lovely melons I guess any fruit etc is challenging to grow. Great job everyone.
I wish I was close to watermelon patches.
Glad to know!
what a beautiful job ! and maybe when you take a break, you can have WATERMELON !!!!
Love MELON 1 very much
the bewst
Love it!!
Personally I agree with this article any kind of farming is very hard and alot of work , it’s not foe tge weak that’s for sure
kudos to watermelon growers
Watermelon farming is hard work!
These melons look real good!
I have never had luck growing these
I purchased on today. I can’t wait to cut in to it. The best summer time treat
I love farming and think farming watermelons is a beautiful sight. Free, open and sunny. Seeing for miles of beautiful greenery though the thought of harvesting for a day seems like a back breaker
Watermelons ARE summertime!
Thanks farmers.
I love all things watermelon!!
love my melons
I want to be a watermelon farmer!
Whoa! Thanks!
Eating cool watermelon during the hot summer days has to be one of the best childhood memories I have….that AND seeing lightening bugs at night!
good watermelon love it
Love watermelons
Our house is a family of watermelon lovers , we have this at least once a week in tge summer and it’s so satisfying
Thank the farmers.
I love all these pictures!! The watermelons look delicious!
Watermelon farming is definitely hard work! Thanks for providing us with some great melons!
Thank you.
Reminds me if my being a kid, I grew up in a very country setting and my pap owned a farm , it brings back so many memories
I’m trying to grow watermelon in my garden!
I love watermelons!
Thank you to all the farmers!
love it
So much hard work, thank you!
I love how it has traveled through so many generations! Wish there was more of that!
Happy 4th!
Watermelon looks delicous
Good job farmers.
I love watermelons.
Literally lived off of watermelon, and berries in the summer , I grew up in the country and my great grandfather owned a farm. There’s nothing better than a cold piece of juicy watermelon on a hot day
This reminds me I need watermelon lemonade.
watermelon season is the best!
Interesting article about many generation watermelon farmers and their dedication to producing the best watermelons!
Love Uniform Shape
Hot summer sun brings watermelon
Watermelon farming is not an easy job.
I love watermelons!
It’s not summer w /o watermelon.
Shine on field workers.
I appreciate you
Yummo, Be looking for you at my local supermarket.
Looks tasty!!
Loveee how these are grown in USA!
Nothing goes with summer like watermelon!
It really is the heart of summer!
Watermelon is one of my favorite fruits thanks to the farmers that make it possible.
I like the idea of three generations working to produce tasty melons
These look delicious.
Watermelon is so tasty!! Cheers to the farmers that work so hard so we can have this tasty treat!
Watermelon is the best!
I’m hungry for some watermelon.
A good way to learn how watermelons are grown.
harvesting watermelon is labor intensive.
Love watermelons
Thank you melon 1 and all my farmers!
Watermelon on ice isa Must have in the blazing Texas summer! It’s the perfect afternoon cool off.
This shows how the farmers grow watermelons.
My aunt craved watermelon during pregnancy…thankfully the baby was due late in the year
Nice-looking watermelons
Love watermelon so very much
Thank you FARMERS
I love that they have the cutting edge traceability standards so we know our food is safe and where it came from
I love watermelon.
I LOVE watermelon!
Nothing better than watermelon on a hot summer day with family and friends.
I would love to learn how to grow watermelons.
A great way to learn how watermelons are grown.
I have seen the farmers use busses here in AZ
Y’all have got me yearning for an ice cold watermelon 🍉
I like to find a ripe watermelon by tapping on it with my knuckles. The deeper the sound, the more ripe it is!
Watermelon is the best fruit out there!
I could eat watermelon every day ❤️
Thanks to the watermelon farm workers for the jobs they do.
Watermelon is a must have in the warmer weather.
OMG! Looks so juicy & fresh. Can’t wait to get one.
I appreciate these hard working people
Best on summer days!
It always you got know when right time to pick them
I buy watermelon year round.
I enjoy the recipes and suggestions on ways to serve. I also like the motto-“Watermelon 🍉 is the heart of summer!” Thank you all for everything!
This is a good way to learn about watermelon farming.
The most delicious part of summer!
I can’t wait until watermelon season is here.
Longing for a taste of this sweet treat
So grateful that we have so many amazing farmers!
That looks great.
You learn a lot from these videos.
We will be eating these very soon
I know I have seen those stickers and I know that I have also enjoyed the watermelons.I thank you all for all the hot weather, long hours, and other things I don’t even know of….. THANK YOU…. ALL!!!
great melons!
Watermelon is the best!
I learned alot.
Yum, watermelons!
Oh I want a watermelon so much.
Nice to see how the farmers grow them.
We love watermelon in our family
Beautiful! I could eat that every day of the week. I love that fresh, light and super juicy flavor of watermelon!
Watermelon is a summer trin my home! 🏡🍉
Love watermelon! Sweet, juicy, what can be better?
Grateful to the hardworking watermelon farmers for cultivating delicious fruits that bring joy to our tables and refreshment to our days. Thank you for your dedication and expertise!
thank you for loving what you do
Melon 1 are the only watermelons that i buy, because to me, they have the best tasting watermelons, out of all other melon brands.
The best watermelons!
Love watermelons.
Watermelon farming
A good way to learn about watermelon farming.
Love learning all of this!
I love the taste of watermelon! We enjoy it in the summer on hot days, it helps keep us hydrated!
love Watermelon
Very interesting I learned so much about watermelons
great snack..
love the schoolbus idea
These watermelons look delicious!
Thank you for the best tastng watermelon ever!! All your hard work shows.
We all like watermelon! Thanks for making it possible for us to have it whenever we want!
Watermelon is a great frozen treat for dogs.
A good way to learn about the watermelon farmers.
Thank you to all the farmers who bring us such delicious watermelons
I love summer.
favorite late night snack
Mary, I thank you and all your coworkers for all your hard work that produces all the amazing produce you and your coworkers provide to America.
I love watermelon! Will definitely have a little farm of my own one day!
I want it
I need it
Great article
It brings awareness to the public about how the watermellon farmers work their farms.
I eat watermelon every day in summer.
Watermelon is so delicious!
Wonderful article! Especially seeing they’re been around since 1977!
Excellent article!
Looks so good!
Thank you for sharing!
A great way to see how the farmers grow watermellons.
Thanks 🙂
And I always thought all you had to do was to plant a seed!
We love eating watermelons. A nice cool treat on a warm day.
I cannot wait for watermelon season
Thank you, farmers.
Excellent read
I want to make my own garden and make some watermelon!
Nothing tastes as good as watermelon on a summer day!
Thank you, Mathis family!
I love watermelon!
Very healthy for you!
Watermelon is my favorite.
A good way to learn about the watermellon farmers.
Love watermelon!
a fun way to build muscles
It’s that time! Watermellon smoothie! Yum.
I can’t tell you just how much I’m looking forward to watermelon this summer. I’ve already told my husband and best friend.
Love me my watermelon, TYSM
Most people do ot realize the health benefits of watermelon. They just think they taste good in the summer
Our whole family….Loves watermelons !
Can’t live without farmers
Nothing better than seeing smiles and eating watermelon!
I have learned so much and have a lot of respect for every person involved for all they’re hard work.
Melon 1 does a wonderful job with all of their farms.
That’s a lot of watermelons!
I’ve loved watermelon since I was a kid!
Thank you to the farmers – I am craving a ripe watermelon now!
I grew up growing watermelon I love this!
Love Both Seedless and Seeds … The Varity is endless for Watermelons and So many new Varities and Heirloom come every year .
My grandfather would buy a big watermelon and lay it in a cold water stream. We’d have a family cookout and for desert was that ice cold watermelon!
Love this article
I have never gone through a summer without watermelon. I look forward to summer for ALL the fruits that are available.
Our family loves watermelon . . . we have not had much luck in growing them however. So we just buy them from the store and enjoy their sweetness.
Watermelon is amazing!
I love watermelon, but can’t pick out the right one.
so informative
Thank you for what you do!! Love watermelon!!
You go Mary, and Thanks for a job well done!! Thank you and everyone.
I want some watermelon!!
Love Watermelon
The only melons my Husband will eat
I support
Watermelon is so refreshing
Makes my mouth water for a good, sweet & ripe watermelon!
I buy watermelon every summer.
melons are so versatile.
I no longer have garden space but if I did I’d be growing me some.
The perfect snack
No summer is complete till the watermelon is shared
I’m so appreciative of the farmers that put in their hard work to feed us! Thank you
we grow up with watermellon
Thankful for all you do
Thanks for your hard work. Our family loves watermelons!
My grandson says that watermelon is his favorite food!
Watermelon is SUPER delicious!
It’s not summer without fresh Watermelon! I luv it in Winter too
A summer staple for sure
Watermelon is truly the heart of summer
thank you, melon1 . . . . .
Watermelon are a healthy choice
thank you, watermelon farmers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love me some watermelon!
nothing like a good watermelon!!!!!!!!!!!
Watermelon has always been a staple in my family since I was a little girl. My favorite summer snack. Enjoy it with some salt. Yum
I have some watermelon now and finding other ideas to use them.
[…] The star of the show here is truly the juicy watermelon and if you know us at all, then you know we're only using watermelons from our friends at Melon 1. They're the watermelon experts and they grow watermelons right in the USA all summer long so you know you're getting the freshest watermelon out there. You can read more about Melon 1 and their farms in this Mary's Blog article. […]
I always buy watermelon in the summer, great snack and healthy too
I been buying a few 😆😆😆😋😋😋
God bless y’all for doing what you do! I appreciate you! God bless our farmers!
Learned a lot and thanks for all that y’all do!
I havve learned so much watching the short videos.
Yummy MELON1 watermelons are the juiciest melons around! Great for making fresh melon salsa.
This has GOT TO BE the BEST DESSERT!!!!
They are wonderful and full of kisses from the sun.
I am buying my watermelon tomorrow, can’t wait to taste it’s juicy goodness!
I love watermelon, What stores are you in?
I want a bite of that watermellon