Oh consider your life if you were to become a farmer! The footloose and fancy free life, just rolling in the countryside clover and watching the deer skipping past while you sit on your gorgeous vintage John Deere tractor! Sounds lovely! But would it be? Before you quit your day job, consider a FARM INTERNSHIP and what it might be like to start exploring the country life - for real!

Let's put the truth out on the table. Just because someone's a farmer doesn't mean he / she eats healthy. It doesn't necessarily go hand in hand - and I'm a case in point. However, I've got a pretty good excuse though (or do I?). Please read on, and see how I'm turning over a new (green) leaf.

I'm ringing in the New Year with laughter, fun and definitely some new goals! Read my first Farm Star Living blog: My 5 Personal & Professional New Years Resolutions. Or should we say guidelines? Read on!