While some of the US has started seeing flickers of Fall, down south we're experiencing cool mornings but the balmy afternoons are quick to remind you that it's still summer, y'all! This transition phase is a little reminder from mother nature to soak up the sun as much as we can before the leaves start to fall and winter settles in. This is also the perfect time to pounce on that end-of-summer produce like tomatoes, corn, peppers, grapes, and melons!
Right now, sweet summer watermelons are still being freshly picked from the vine by our friends at Melon 1 – even if the PSL is already on the coffee menu. Melon 1 grows their sweet summer watermelons right here in the USA so you know you're getting the very freshest summer melons available. The harvest process is truly fascinating and you can learn more about how Melon 1 harvests their watermelons in this article.

Photo Courtesy of Melon 1
Most of us know that watermelons are hydrating (try this Watermelon Hydrating Smoothie) but did you know they're also packed with many healthy vitamins, nutrients, and minerals? It's true! According to the USDA, "...research continues to find that the fruit contains a wide range of nutrients that improve your overall health." Which is great for us watermelon-lovers! Watermelon can help to fight free radicals, slow cell damage, and improve the health of your nervous system just to name a few benefits.
Adding a variety of fresh produce to your diet is the best way to build a healthy lifestyle for your children and your family. Instead of focusing on what you should not have or what you feel you need to take away, try adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to every meal! Plus, watermelon is a favorite fruit among school-age children – and what kid doesn't need more nutritious options these days? Watermelon makes a great addition to breakfast or snack time, a healthy side for lunch, a quick after-school bite, or try this Watermelon & Grilled Corn Salad with dinner.
Don't forget to visit our A-Z Healthy Foods Guide for nutrition info and farming trivia about your favorite foods, and check out our RECIPES for more delicious ways to use watermelon at home. Now get out there and enjoy what the end of summer has to offer by eating more delicious watermelon from our friends at Melon 1!