Sweet potatoes don’t have to be such a huge serving any more, nor do they have to take 45 minutes to prepare! Nash Produce has made everything so simple and easy for us all, without sacrificing the incredible quality and taste their North Carolina sweet potatoes are so well known for. The fabulous Mr. Yam’s Steamable Sweets mini sweet potatoes are now available at grocery stores and are making it possible to have a healthy veggie on your kids’ plate in a matter of minutes. Not only are they perfect for a single serving for each person, but they can be steamed right in the bag! Convenient, no-mess sweet potatoes. All you have to do is literally pop the bag in the microwave for 8 minutes. Then, trim the bag, slide them out, and voila! Your vegetable is served!
Now, the fun part is, “what to do with them?” There are so many things that you can do, from making it sweet or savory, but no matter which you decide to try, you’ll be certain to get a powerful sweet potato filled with great health benefits.
Sweet Potatoes’ Heath Benefits
- Sweet potatoes are high in vitamin A, vitamin B5, B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, and, due to their orange color, are high in carotenoids.
- They're fat-free, relatively low in sodium and have fewer calories than white potatoes — although they do have more sugar.
- Sweet potatoes' potassium content is also helpful for your heart, as it lowers blood pressure by maintaining fluid balance
- Sweet potatoes are not always orange-fleshed on the inside but can also be a spectacular purple color.
- Sweet potatoes can be found in your local markets year-round,however, they are primarily in season in November and December.
- Sweet potatoes are native to Central and South America and grow best in tropical conditions, and are one of the oldest vegetables known to man.

Sweet Potato Tips
- Typically they take awhile to bake in the oven, but now you can buy a new “STEAMABLE SWEETS” by Nash Produce. They can be found under their label Mr. Yam’s Sweet Potatoes. They are steamable in the bag for a quick 8 minutes - perfect! Not only that, they’re petite so perfect for an individual serving and especially for children!
- Choose sweet potatoes that are firm and do not have any cracks, bruises or soft spots.
- Sweet potatoes should be stored in a cool, dark and well-ventilated place, where they will keep fresh for up to ten days.
- If you purchase organically grown sweet potatoes, you can eat the entire tuber, flesh and skin. Yet, if you buy conventionally grown ones, you should peel them before eating since sometimes the skin is treated with dye or wax; if preparing the sweet potato whole, just peel it after cooking