Health Benefits:

Anti fungal
Anti inflammatory
Helps with insomnia
Improves bone and muscle health
Improves eyesight
Improves hair skin and nails
Increases immunity
Lowers blood pressure
May reduce risk of Alzheimer
May reduce risk of cancer
Prevents sinusitis
Promotes eye health
Reduces risk of breast cancer
Relieves PMS


Serving size: 1 large; Calories: 30; Fat: .2g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Sodium: 50mg; Carbs: 7g; Fiber: 4g;  Sugars: 3.4g; Protein: .7g; Potassium: 6%DV; Vitamin A: 240%DV; Vitamin C: 7%DV; Calcium: 2%DV; Iron: 1%DV

Did You Know?

  • Carrots are very rich in many different vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber and antioxidants!
  • Carrots are also purple, red, white, and yellow
  • While it is true that carrots can turn your skin yellowish-range, that's only if you eat massive amounts of carrots.
  • Loaded with beta carotene
  • Cooking increases the health benefits
  • Carrots contain over 100 phytochemicals 


Ways to Eat:

  • Raw
  • Pulped
  • Mashed
  • Boiled
  • Puréed
  • Grated
  • Fried
  • Steamed
  • Stewed
  • Baked
  • Juiced

Farming Trivia:

  • The kind of carrots we usually eat are native to Europe and Southwest Asia; they were actually used for their aromatic leaves, not their roots!
  • Carrots were introduced to Colonial America in the 17th entury.
  • The best carrots grow in sunlight, between 61º and 70º Fahrenheit.

Note: Always consult a physician for any specific health questions and concerns. Some of this information may be subject to change should there be any new findings from Federal Health Administration (FHA), Food & Drug Administration (FDA), American Medical Association (AMA), American Cancer Society (ACS), and / or other leading food, nutrition and medical advisors.