Health Benefits:
Aids in digestion
Aids in weight loss
Anti fungal
Improves bone and muscle health
Improves hair skin and nails
Lowers blood pressure
May reduce risk of diabetes
May regulate blood sugar
Protects skin from UV rays
Reduces risk of colon cancer
Reduces risk of lung cancer
Serving size: 1 cup; Calories: 6; Fat: .2g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Sodium: 6mg; Carbs: .8g; Fiber: .6g; Sugars: .4g; Protein: .6g; Potassium: 2%DV; Vitamin A: 8%DV; Vitamin C: 4%DV; Calcium: 2%DV; Iron: 2%DV
Did You Know?
- Ancient Romans believed arugula to be a powerful aphrodisiac! It was an ingredient often used in love potions.
- True to form, you can eat it regularly to boost sexual performance, as it enhances the sensory system and stimulates the body’s touch response.
- Ranks among top 20 foods in regards to Aggregate Nutrient Density Index
Ways to Eat:
- In a salad
- On a pizza
- In pasta
- On sandwiches
- In soup
Farming Trivia:
- Although its origins are in Southern Europe and the Mediterranean, it is not grown in most parts of the world.
- It can be planted in wither the spring or the fall, and harvested in as little as three weeks!
- It is referred to as a “salad rocket,” as it is easy to grow and quick to mature.
- Member of the Brassica family (Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Kale)
Note: Always consult a physician for any specific health questions and concerns. Some of this information may be subject to change should there be any new findings from Federal Health Administration (FHA), Food & Drug Administration (FDA), American Medical Association (AMA), American Cancer Society (ACS), and / or other leading food, nutrition and medical advisors.