Health, safety, and overall wellness are hot topics these days, and this June we're sharing important health tips in honor of Men's Health Month. This is a chance, for you men, to check in with yourselves and reevaluate your fitness levels, eating habits, hydration, and mental health, too. Whether you are someone's husband, father, caretaker, brother, uncle, or son, you must take care of yourself in order to show up for others. Heart Disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States – and that is worldwide, so please take a few moments to educate yourself and better yourself through positive action. Everyone will thank you for it!
Healthy Fats & Fresh Foods:
The Standard American Diet is known around the world as the "SAD" diet for many reasons. Mainly because most Americans eat way too many processed foods and not enough fruits, vegetables, healthy fats or fiber. Here are a few ways to eat happy!- Here Fishy, Fishy: Ever thought about swapping that steak for a piece of fish? Here is why – not only is fish a lean protein, but it also consists of omega-3 fatty acids that contribute to a healthy heart. Fish containing the highest concentration of omega-3 fatty acids are mackerel and salmon. Fire up the grill and get some lean proteins in your diet!
- Fruits and Veggies: Fresh fruit and vegetables are one of the best (and tastiest) ways to make sure you're eating enough fiber – unlike chalky tablets and powders.
- Nuts and Seeds: Although small, nuts and seeds are packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Try adding flaxseeds or hemp seeds on top of a salad or mix chia seeds into oatmeal. They will hep you to feel more full and easily add a ton of nutrition to your meals.
- Beans: Not only are beans a great source of protein, but they are high in minerals and fiber. They also have the ability to improve your blood cholesterol.

Opening the pickle jar and lifting the remote don't count as exercise, bro. However, you don’t need to get "swole" to get the sufficient amounts of exercise vital to a healthy cardiovascular system:- 30 Minute Goal: Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise a day whether it's walking, jogging, or an exercise class. Getting your heart pumping will help improve circulation and exercise that very important muscle – your heart! Getting your heart rate up can help expand your blood vessels contributing to the transportation of oxygen and overall cardiovascular health. TIP: To build endurance, try breaking up your workout into intervals and taking a couple of minutes of rest in between. For example, begin the 5 minutes of jump-rope, 5 minutes of jumping jacks, and 5 minutes of sit-ups, rest and repeat until you reach 30 minutes.
- Easy ways to increase your heart rate include going for a walk, riding a bike, climbing stairs, jumping jacks, or push-ups. If you don't have 30 minutes, break it up into 10 or 15 minute time increments! Fun ways to get your 30 minutes in may include activities such as swimming, paddle boarding, or indoor rock climbing.
- Don't overdo it! But, don't under-do it, either. Remember that it's important to work your way up to a comfortable work out regimen and pace. If you're just getting back into the gym or working out, start slow then build on your work out each week.

Know Your Health & Family History
It's socially known that most men do not pay good attention to their health or have a good relationship with their doctor. Especially if you're over the age of 40, you need regular health check-ups to monitor your physical health – even if you feel ok! In addition to regular physical and wellness check-ups, sharing family history with your doctor is important if you can.Happy Father’s Day and a big shout-out to all the men who lead by example!
If you are looking for more information on these specific foods please take a look at our A-Z Food Guide to find out more!