Meet our latest inspirational Farm Star™ Ray Baker. Covid helped him re-prioritize his life, change his career and manifest his dream of having a farm filled with a variety of farm animals – rabbits, guineas, goats, sheep, cattle, chickens, and more. His farm is in full swing and he has learned so much. Learn about his life-changing journey and vision of offering an agritourism destination for others to visit and experience all that farming life has to offer.

"My favorite thing about my wife is that she's so understanding with the amount of hours and time I have to spend on the farm."
"I hope people don't have all preconceived notions about how or who farmers are, especially when from a particular area. A lot of us are pretty enlightened!"
Meet this fourth-generation turkey farmer who reminds us that turkeys aren't just for Thanksgiving. Plus, this Farm Star™ shares what makes turkey farming so unique, and so heart-warming for her and her family.
Meet this 'sweet' sister who helps her family farm organic flowers, foods and more, most of which is then combined into simple syrups that elevate cocktails and desserts alike! Meet Venise and you'll see how this farmer is enjoying the 'sweet' life.
"All around us there are plants that are here to help us, and we won't know that unless we immerse ourselves in nature."
"I think that when farmers farm for the lifestyle and for being a shepherd for God's creation, then they are doing it right."
"It's a lot of hard work. Finding the hard-working, good honest people is a must, because you can't do it alone. If you don't love it, then don't try this at home."
"I tell people at the market that you can pay us or you can pay a doctor. At the end of the day, it's cheaper to pay us. It's worth it."
"I think farming is the purest way to get into nature. You have a lot of time to introspect yourself and analyze what you want to do to better your life."